How will AI affect the real estate industry? Today we speak with tech expert and real estate investor Chad Gallagher of Home365 to find out.
- How AI will change underwriting and real estate investing
- What AI means for property managers, investors and tenants
- How to stay relevant in a world where people are replaced by tech
Chad Gallagher is the Co-founder and Head of Growth and Investments at Home365. Chad has a degree in engineering and his early career years were spent in digital advertising. With that said, becoming a successful real estate investor was the last thing he imagined doing ten years ago.
Episode Timeline
00:28 From Digital Advertising to Real Estate Investing
03:40 Using technology to Upscale the business
07:03 Real Estate in NOT Passive
08:18 How AI Will Affect Real Estate
14:53 Technology to replace the stuff that people shouldn't be doing
Real Estate is not Passive; It’s an Active Income.
Chad Gallagher
Home365Chad Gallagher is the Co-founder and Head of Growth and Investments at Home365. Chad has a degree in engineering and his early career years were spent in digital advertising. With that said, becoming a successful real estate investor was the last thing he imagined doing ten years ago.